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Old 1st May 2022, 05:12 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Charlton Heston plays a new York cop in the year 2022 which the world is overpopulated and because of this is a lack of food, investigating the murder of a important business man he gets involved in something that has far reaching consequences.

A film that was made 49 years ago seems to have predicted some of the problems of 2022!

In this Chuck plays a scientist who could well be the last man on earth after a man-made virus escapes killing most of the population of the world apart from some mutant albino's how just gotta wear shades and want Chuck dead.

Loosely based on Richard Mathenson novel I'm legend one of the biggest changes is that the mutants are actually vampires in book. But it's still a enjoyable movie thanks to Chuck's performance . I do think I'll watch the last man on earth later this week as it's supposed to be a lot closer too the book and the better film.

Some more Chuck for this bank holiday Sunday.

After that a mummy double bill.

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