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Old 2nd January 2023, 07:27 PM
Michael Brooke Michael Brooke is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Nov 2011

Originally Posted by Trashforcash View Post
Happy new year all!

Does anyone know what is happening with Michael j Murphy? It's now showing as unknown release on Amazon. I suspect this is just not going to turn up.
Finally signed off for manufacturing in early December, and should hit its current 30 January release date barring unforeseen problems outside Powerhouse's control. We're all very proud indeed of this one - and all credit to Powerhouse head honchos for not insisting that we cut corners when it became obvious that the original production schedule was somewhat unrealistic (major understatement).

Also, do we think Indicator will pull another Hammer set out the bag this year? Desperate for Abominable Snowman and 7 Golden Vampires.
Can't comment on Hammer in general, but can explicitly rule out those two, as they're with other UK labels. The label most likely to release the mid-50s titles is Network.

Speaking of vampires, Indicator have made a fortune out of re-packaging the 20 film Kino Lorber set into pricey box sets. Will they go beyond the films in the KL set at all or would that be too big an ask?
If you're talking about the Columbia Noir titles, only existing Sony high-definition masters are available for licensing, as Sony doesn't permit third-party access to their 35mm vault materials. So the answer to your final question may well be yes - but in any case the Columbia Noir series has finished for now, as we're currently focusing on Universal Noir.
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