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lostus 15th October 2012 12:16 AM

Ah yes pixie...Sniff sniff...But that`s yet to come for you. Actually one of the worst era`s was around the `Rabbit` time, she used to annoy the bejezzas out of me. Probably the lowest time on Prisoner is when Marlene ran around trying to break a world record...which was a real overdose of so-called `comic relief`. They ended up trying ballroom dancing (Not a huge spoiler)god it was/is awful and it seemed to spread over a thousand episodes. I do admit when Judy was perving on Georgie in her undies I admired Tracy Mann`s...shape, but the character...ergh. Now as I type this I am watching 635 I think, and Merle is getting real annoying...She`s a comic book tragic with a child`s mentality and she does`nt do a good job of being convincing. Oh and good news, and this is no big shocker or spoiler but I thought you would love this - Meg`s son, Marty (The third person to play him) has just started as an officer and he is pretty much a young,male Meg. Except the women think he`s a `spunk` But yes - Do-gooder, nice guy, righteous all from mum, but more far.

I did`nt know Meg was originally going to be skewered. Her dearly departed was an odd looking guy was`nt he?With the big balding head and T-rex sideburns. None the less - Bill Jackson, We hardly knew ye....

Doreen...Hmm...She really was annoying for the first 150 or so eps. It was the whining..."AWWWW! WHY DO I ALWAYS GET THE BLAME?" "AWWW!, IT`S NOT,BLOODY FAIR!" But then again when Bea escaped and `Door`was now a posh sales lady...that was just odd. Lizzie DID make me laugh when she would smack her lips at the mention of booze, But the Syd era...OH MY GOD I HATED SYD! Yep my number one worst character. "`Ello ladies, Is`nt it a wonderful day?" "Mrs Birdsworth would you do me the honor of walking me to the letterbox?" Oh I loathed his over the top charm and good manners and old fashioned ways... It was SOOO corny! And he...I dunno just something about him i didnt like and I didnt like the story with Lizzie, Too much trying to pull at the heart strings. As mean as it sounds I was glad when he took that extended nap on his couch. And I always thought Bea was kinda hot in the early days, though i am partial to redheads in a major way...But when she got the haircut by Doreen (While Doreen was in the pound mind you)I sorta lost interest. One thing is I reckon...Actually I cant say, tell me when you have watched the episode after the flashback episode...It`s the one Myra narrates, And Lexie just keeps repeating "BLOODY HELL!" over and over. After you watch that let me know and I will give you an opinion on something.

I watched the first few `Angel` eps but jumped ahead to Len Murphy (Awesome) So I did`nt see her get undone, I do remember her squeaky little girl voice and trouble making ways...but I know too many people like that so I found her tedious and not worth following through again on her departure (I did see it in the original days).

One thing to finish is, I watched the original screening in the 80`s when I was like 6 or 7. Back when adults were`nt super protective over children. Anyway the actress who played Powell was doing a TV telethon here and she was in the phone room and me, a 7 year old rang and made a donation and asked to speak to her, she was shocked I watched and kept saying "You`re very young, Are you allowed to watch?" And there was me "Yeah, I watch it with me mum and me dad, I liked it when that blew up and when Bea branded Nola with the iron and..." Haha she was just about speechless...but still really nice.

jamie_leigh44 15th October 2012 08:48 PM

Pixies cool enough, she's gone now but i have it on authority that she's back before long :) I'm deep among the aforementioned ballroom dancing, just past the Edna episodes. yes, it is slightly annoying but i can handle it.

don't have a clue who Merle is... do i want to know? :lol:

Megs son Marty wasn't too bad while she was being stripped to that so called camisole - when his friend was stalking Meg... what was so goddamned appealing?? i wonder how I'll tolerate the "new and improved" version when i get there... if he's much like mother then I'm sure he'll do my head in! i have Dennis Yorkshire pudding Cruikshank at the moment - who's not bothering me much i have to say... and heather karate queen Rodgers... i cant quite decide if i like it or not... :decision:

lol, Chrissie makes a big deal of saying to meg "It was you i wanted to kill" lol, maybe that's why the charge was later named manslaughter so she'd get her release :lol: Bill Jackson was annoying in true prisoner fashion even in the half an episode or so her was in... still more bearable that "she who would not die" - and probably better looking than "mulleted mutton dressed as lamb Meg"...

I'm thrilled in not the only one who had an annoyance for Syd... prisoner tried too hard to make certain characters really loveable... and it was blatant and annoying because of that... Edie is also in that list! neither annoyed me tooooo much, but enough to roll my eyes when they were introduced during my re watching.

I'm quite jealous of your talk with our very own Colleen powell, that would have been something i bragged about for years to come :)

I cant say i ever found Bea... Hot.... especially not after that haircut (in solitary)... but half the class of prisoner was that none of the women were supposed to look like supermodels... they just looked like normal women... Bad Girls in the UK tried to make a show that was too gritty (like most UK offerings) and this new Wentworth drama seems to be too sleek and glossy... i hope it does some justice. Prisoner was JUST right!

I'll let u know when i reach that plot lol, could be a while tho, I'm waiting for the DVD releases, you-tube watching isn't for me... though i could crack with anticipation yet!


ScottishMermaid 15th October 2012 09:11 PM

Deffo agree that the later episodes are highly underrated! The Barnhurst five era was quite bad...but I am not sure if that is just because I saw so much potential for it that they completely missed the opportunity for!

It's odd that the majority of my favourite characters are from the earlier half yet I think I still prefer the later episodes overall....mainly because I believe with the exit of the bigger characters, it allowed for new ones to develop...Lou Kelly was amazing as far as I am concerned, and I loved both Alice and Rita was very refreshing to have a change of dynamics. I didn't like Nora Flynn as TD...however, again it was nice to have a brief change of dynamics and I also do not believe her to have been half as bad as many people make out. She had a different way of doing things...good...just wasn't quite so good for TV. haha.

Georgie Baxter...UGH....I am just about to endure her at this very Andrews has arrived and Doreen is flirting with him...yuk! LOL! HATE Georgie....

And Meg...agree 100% on that one, lol. Although in my experience, I think she is one of the most hated as opposed to everyone seeming to love her, hahahaha. Anyone who goes through all that and comes back for more...I think Dr Wiseman should have sent her off to Ingleside!!

Lexie Patterson....CANNOT STAND IT! Although I did love Jessie, she was so sweet! She should have made my favourites list, lol.

jamie_leigh44 16th October 2012 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by ScottishMermaid (Post 282459)
. Anyone who goes through all that and comes back for more...I think Dr Wiseman should have sent her off to Ingleside!!

yes, i agree... in episode 2... although she ALMOST redeemed herself when she was hypnotised and bad.... even when she was bad she was still a fool tho!


lostus 16th October 2012 12:23 PM

Well, Marty the first was a ratbag teenager. Marty part deux was a rebellious horny 20 something (Did anyone notice when Marty one took off, mamma Meg was distraught for about five minutes? and he was`nt really thoughtabout much till Marty 2 returned years later) Anyhoo for those who are DYING to know...Marty III makes Meg look like Vera. He is worse than Meg. See I got used to Meg, Marty has just popped up and played Mr nice guy overkill and it inspires me to FFwd. This ties in with Merle who arrived around the same time. Merle is like a slow version of Cass. How`s that for a definition? But she is a bit more fuller figured and has a `boy-cut` hairstyle, loves comic books, tries to talk like a 5 year old boy and, like Cass, cripples people when she loses her temper.

Dennis Crukshank, Not a big fan either. The "Ohh eye, that put a right spanner in the puddin`" carry on got old straight away. Fortunately Dennis and Meg find love and Dennis, though he does leave, does a have an ending that befits the pain he put me through when ever he opened his mouth (Keep this thought in mind when you see the episode) Victoria Nichols was the first co host on Sale of the century here, before Prisoner so I never got past her presenting prizes in the showcase.

Being a `Freak` forum can someone tell me if Joan ever openly said she was gay, liked the girls or anything like that? It was always insulated verbally but never really confirmed, even when she was shacking up with re-incarnated Sharon Gilmour they never said `we are doing it and respecting each other in the morning` The prisoners gave them heaps and said it straight out, but did Joan ever admit it anytime?

jamie_leigh44 16th October 2012 01:15 PM

Meg didn't give a :censored: when Marty the first left! well, she just lost her husband so i guess she thought how lucky it was that she had a clean break. - she didn't even mourn Bill for very long either. it just gave her an excuse to use her deep manly husky voice for the first time. he wasn't mentioned til he popped back.... and all the while she was saying to Greg that she was old enough to be his mother. Greg was a good looking guy, why would he ever go for Meg!

Merle sounds like a delightful load of laughs.... and Dennis - maybe a male version of Meg wont be so bad... i think she annoys me most because she has to be involved in every storyline... with it being close to the end, im sure he wont be in that many.... i hope :lol:

Dennis and MEG find love??? is she at it again? I'm told she goes for a social worker this time... they'll have lots in common then... - I'll keep it firmly in mind..., he's another one who's quite cheeky to our Joan and i don't much like it! Joyce is about the only one who makes any effort with her...

I remember after she beat up Chrissie, the detective said "suspected lesbianism" to her like it was on a list of charges, and she didn't respond. and even the first day on Meg was making fun of her being butch and Erica said they couldn't pass judgement. she spoke a bit about her girlfriend and i think she mentions her "alternate lifestyle" when talking to her father etc.

Judy just finished telling Myra "I'm not a sex maniac I'm a lesbian, there is a difference you know" - so we all know she confirms herself... not sure if she ever comes out with it in such blatant words...

and I've seen Terri and Joan clips on you-tube... she is literally a reincarnation of Gilmore isn't she!! :lol:


badstrawberry 16th October 2012 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by ScottishMermaid (Post 269429)
lol, god knows! By the end of the show the women were not allowed more than a day in solitary as it was deemed excessive...yet I remember bea on several occasions being sent there for 2 weeks at a time, lol.

Yes, and I remember when Judy ended up in the pound when she took the blame for Yemil Bakarta bashing a screw after Frank Burke ripped her prayer book up - well that time Judy seemed to be in the pound for weeks.

badstrawberry 16th October 2012 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by lostus (Post 282710)
Being a `Freak` forum can someone tell me if Joan ever openly said she was gay, liked the girls or anything like that? It was always insulated verbally but never really confirmed, even when she was shacking up with re-incarnated Sharon Gilmour they never said `we are doing it and respecting each other in the morning` The prisoners gave them heaps and said it straight out, but did Joan ever admit it anytime?

I don't know if it counts as an admission but there was that series of memory flashbacks of her and Audrey (the ex-lover prisoner who got attacked by the other women in the Queensland prison Joan worked at in the past) being tender and loving. Joan was having the memories around the time she visited Audrey's grave before she caught Bobby Mitchell on the run (and on the game) in Sydney.

jamie_leigh44 16th October 2012 06:31 PM

yes, i've just seen these scenes... quite touching... and to think before that she was a good screw "straight down the line".


lostus 16th October 2012 09:15 PM

Yes Audrey, See if Meg say, became a Lesbian tomorrow (As in the next episode we all see) and shacks up with...Ettie Parslow for arguments sake, I really could`nt see the gang killing Ettie. So my theory is the QLD prison she came from must have been full of only Marie Winters, Reb Keans, Lou Kellys and Nola McKenzies..with the odd Lizzie perhaps. I am watching the episode on TV right now (Not on digital format) is the one that starts with David Bridges flashbacking to letting in Goodlove to the boiler room and we pan up to see her body. From what I`ve heard around the net, they never find her body. So it must have caused an awful stink by the time Myra turned up and feral when Rita arrived.

Ah Yemil. Did not like that character either "JOO DEE COME QUICKLY IT`S MISSED ER SEE!" (Mr C) Stereotypical even for the 80`s. Also after Lou Kelly found her way back to Wentworth for the last time and was in solitary about to `hit the bottle` was it me or did she have a different look? Like her hair was less `mulletty` and she looked a lot more attractive, almost like she had already left, started other things and then was brought back for five minutes just to cap off her character...

But being a thread devoted to the Freak I notice there was no positive affirmation that she was a lesbian from her own mouth.

No Merle is FAR from loveable. Annoying is a good term. But luckily not the most, so tolerable (Just barely) is a better description.

Yes, it`s no big secret that Den and the Meg-meister get it on, fortunately it all ends well for Dennis and he lives a full,rich,happy life....snigger snigger

Frank Burke...was`nt he loveable? I always found it mind blowing that a serial rapist was not only sent to a women`s prison but able to mingle unguarded with the chickies on a regular basis!!! Luckily we all love the show because there are so many holes like this that make me shake my head. Another thing I must share is the fact that I am starting to think finger printing was`nt invented, so many crimes and mysteries...And there I am pulling my hair out yelling "Take some prints!!!" The only person who wore gloves was Joan but I dont know why they bothered. Like when Chrissie stabbed Bill, I`m sure she was`nt wearing gloves! I gotta lie down now....

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