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The Reaper Man@Cult Labs 9th September 2009 10:58 PM

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vipco 10th September 2009 12:45 AM

Nice one Reap's.

I noticed that Slicers 7 headed monster resembles 'The beast' as mentioned in The Bible's Book of Revelations, so after sheding his Italian leather speedo's, to reveal a dagger that he had borrowed from the 7 daggers in The Omen, that can kill 'The beast' and thrusted it into one of the beasts heads,......... realising that it was'nt the same beast he quickly appoligised for what he was about to do and reluctantly grabbed his newly freeded pork batton , and in one last efford 'deep throated' the remaining 6 heads till the creature fell to the ground chocking on the actions of the dying Gladiator, who's Zombie Cell had used 90% of its power in this murderous sexual marathon.

At last he was about to feel the sweet release of death, as he noitced that Slicers bad ass beast was'nt dead but was standing over him , sword at the ready , to cut of his head and bring peace at last to the daily pain that is the life of a Gladiator,,,,,, he knealed, bowed his head, and like any great warrior hoped that he had done enough to be considered 1 of the 3.

He soon realised that several warriors had now surounded him , including Leatherface held by gag on a chain lead, arguing over who would deliver the fatal beautiful blow....... but being the most bad ass warrior comes with a price, you gotta keep that one step badder that the 5 seconds it was over as the Gladiator jumped to his feet ..... quickly removing two bladed weapons from his arguing enimes, and in one final act of violence ,crossed the swords sissor style and sliced his own head cleanly off, seconds after shouting, "Follow that , Pussies".!

Kyle 10th September 2009 06:51 AM

:pound: that is pure class

iluvdvds@Cult Labs 10th September 2009 10:33 AM

:pound: That pictures great Reaps!

HunterBFH 10th September 2009 11:40 AM

Blimey!..a skeleton face of Jay Leno! :shocked:

gag 10th September 2009 12:56 PM

I keep thinking its friday today for some reason
I came on line earlier on and was thinking he"s a bit late announcing todays winners :der:

iluvdvds@Cult Labs 10th September 2009 01:20 PM

:pound: I know the feeling gag! I do that almost every week! :doh:

Nora 10th September 2009 04:20 PM

I bring you... JEHOVA HIMSELF!

He has a huge two-barrelled gun, each barrel the size of the Empire States Building (they look a bit small in the picture 'cause God's so huge, okay?).

One barrel shoots fire, the other shoots snot (that's right it wasn't rain that flooded the earth in Noah's time!)

And with them he lays waste to the world, including all seven-headed weirdos, unpopular Prime Ministers and 1980s action stars. Amen.

vipco 10th September 2009 04:27 PM

Excellent Neil, the 7 headed Weirdo remark had me laughing out loud . I'd love to have seen Slicers face as he read that as he thought his beast looked pretty cool. Ha ha ha ha....

Kyle 10th September 2009 05:46 PM

:pound: my face was a bit like this:mmph: ill be back later to defeat you :suspicious:

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