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Old 19th September 2010, 09:55 PM
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re.form re.form is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2009

The Expendables ***SPOILERS***

I was slightly disappointed. I wanted a generic, by the numbers, stereotype-ridden, no brain action-movie. I got one, but its still felt flat for some reason. The Arnie-Willis cameo was very odd. You can tell Arnie and Willis were filmed seperatly and they cut it together for the sole reason of having it in the trailer. I could've done without it.

Jet Li. I cannot believe he subjected himself to a role that consisted of patronizing 'little china-man' jokes aimed in his direction. As I said, I expected stereotypes but it still felt kind of weird. The guy is more talented that that - and is a proven headliner of some mindblowing Asian films.

Stallone and Statham's characters were clearly hot for each other. I'm not sure if homo-erotic overtones were intended but they certainly shined through. Not a problem for me, but one can only assume that the reason Stallone was obsessed with going back to the Island for the girl was well, you know - to make him feel more secure in his manhood.

For me, Stone Cold actually was the saving grace for the movie. I enjoyed his scenes the best. He actually stole it with his presence, despite not having that big a role. And thats the bottom line...
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