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Old 7th November 2010, 10:19 AM
Splatterdragon73 Splatterdragon73 is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: From the bowels of Newcastle Upon Tyne he collect DVDs and BRs!

Imo ZFE is one of the all-time great gut-munchers but the film simply wouldn't exist if the original Dawn Of The Dead didn't take the first bite out of the box-office. Success breeds imitation.

Also, Fulci's vintage gorefest takes a good while to get going after the harbour cop comes a cropper on the boat in the movie's opening moments. However, once the blood starts to run and the flesh starts getting ripped then there's no stopping those Zombie Flesh Eaters.

"I've just been informed that zombies have entered the building! They're at the door!! They're coming in!!! AAAARRRGGHH!!!!"

An overrated film? Personally i believe so but still a must-see grand and grisly slice of Italian splatter.
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