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Old 10th November 2010, 05:00 AM
Mahoney32 Mahoney32 is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Aug 2010

Checked the running times for both the Synapse and Arrow editions, and the Synapse edition is five minutes longer than Arrows. But if you watch both editions, you will see that there is no difference between them. Well, I didn't noticed anything added or missing. They were both exactly the same.

I prefer Arrows menu screens over Synapses. Which features Tony Darrow's End Credits song "My Way".

Nice to see the actress who played Wendy again. She's had a fantastic life by the sound of it. Is She living in the UK these day's then?

Rick Melton's cover art is awesome, but the one He did for Street Trash, is my least favourite. I don't think it captures the essence of the film. Most of his other ones did though. He defiantly hit the nail on the head with the cover art for Deep Red. Really cool. My favourite so far, and a great film too.

I use the other side of the Street trash sleeve, which features the original UK VHS release artwork. (The close-up shot of the melted Bum's head popping out of the toilet.)

I still have my VHS copies too. Which have that same cover art...

A brilliant film. And one which I will never forget seeing...
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