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Old 1st December 2010, 03:25 AM
Mahoney32 Mahoney32 is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Aug 2010

Started playing the new Noble Map Pack games on Halo: Reach last night. Some Peculiar German guy started unloading a full clip into me at one point, and then preceded to stalk me for the remainder of the match. He sent me some aggressive messages after, claiming that I performed a "beat-down" on him when he secured the enemies flag for our team. Yes, "our" team. Well, it weren't me that hit him for starters. I didn't know what the Hell he was talking about. He must of confused me with one of the other players, because I never got near the flag on that match, the opposing team were too good, too organised. Plus, I rarely ever play dirty like that anyway, and I certainly don't betray my own team members on purpose. F**king Asshole. lol

It has to be said though, I must have placed close to 100 players on my online avoid list by now, while playing Reach. That is almost Legendary to me. not so much the game.

One night while I was playing Reach online, some prick kept screwing with me during the mission. Then after the mission, I immediately went to place this prick on my avoid list. When I went to do so, I then realised that the prick was already on the list. lol

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