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Old 9th February 2011, 05:09 PM
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Peter Neal Peter Neal is offline
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Personally speaking, I don't subscribe to the "Uncut Only!" view at all, not the least because I like to own varying versions of my favourite movies, so if I'm in the mood for a little variation or get interested in the impact of different edits of "controversial" scenes, I opt to watch a "censored" version from time to time.
Being used to the German brand of movie-censorship for which films more than often still have to get cut by several minutes to earn an "FSK 18", I find it hard to get too fussed over the 19 secs cut from the "Shameless" release of NYR, which still wouldn't stand a chance whatsoever to get legally released in that form in Germany, let alone being sold or displayed publicly in big "mainstream" chains or advertised in internet stores like "".
Anyway, a sold "cut" release is no loss to neither the "uncut community", who're NOT forced to pick it up, nor "uncut labels" in the US (or Austrian) territory, as those who're buying it wouldn't have either bothereed with a few extra snippets of gore on R1 anyway or do own the uncut version already and are attracted to double-dip for exclusive extras or neat packaging.
So there's no real harm done to anybody...and if I wasn't such a completist I would have been perfectly happy with my slightly censored UK DVDs of "Maniac" and "NYR", as the cuts are really only obvious to those "in the know".
And as far as the cut UK releases of "Tombs of the Blind Dead" and "Mark of the Devil" go, I've been really satisfied, so I didn't bother to import from the US or anywhere else, as just from my pov, those two don't really "win" much extra viewing value through some more extra seconds I hardly miss when watching them.
But that's just my own take.

In the particular case of the UK edit of "NYR", it's safe to say that the film still delivers in the gore department for those, who're not familiar with every bloody frame, so I find it hard to imagine anybody ramdomly picking it up and being particularly disappointed by that purchase.
It's a far cry from the 90's when "VIPCO's" VHS releases of the Fulci classics came devoid of virtually all the splattery highlights.
That was a different era altogether, so I agree 100 % with Daemonia on that the BBFC and UK genre releases having come a long way in the right direction since then!

Last edited by Peter Neal; 9th February 2011 at 05:19 PM.
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