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Old 9th September 2008, 08:02 PM
Seasoned Cultist
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: a wee scottish city called stirling

Originally Posted by Halloween_22 View Post
I know, it's ridiculous. I couldn't believe it, I remember seeing it years back in Blockbusters bargain bin all the time for a few quid tops. I'm guessing it's OOP, but still, surely no-one would pay that much for Halloween Camp
I've got Scream Bloody Murder aswell albeit on a vhs I picked up for about 50p. That one's going for just under 20 quid aswell, unbelievable.
Out of the three of em,halloween camp wins hands down. Ok,its a pretty derivative slasher,but it has what the other two dont,gallons of gore,and thats what we watch slashers for right?
Was actually surprised that it passed as a 15,as it has some pretty nasty gore scenes,one in particular has a guy getting his legs hacked off whilst puking up his guts. yeuch!

The least said about sbm the better,probably the worst slasher made..apart from that bloody awful prom night remake!
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