Thread: Lou Kelly.
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Old 7th April 2011, 05:17 AM
jlenoconel jlenoconel is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Apr 2011
Default Lou Kelly made the last 2 and a half years...

...of the show super interesting. The show slowly began to die as characters either left or were killed off e.g. Myra, Reb, Judy etc etc. Lou kept the show interesting during the Barnhurst 5 era and also stopped the show being bogged down by characters like Jessie Whindom D: towards the end.

She was a very cunning and conniving character, but also very funny, and it was always a treat to see how she would react to the top dog of the time i.e. Myra, Nora, or Rita. I would rate her among one of the best characters in the series, and when Myra was killed off, she was the reason I continued to tune in. Excellent character and one of the best on TV.
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