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Old 19th April 2011, 12:25 PM
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necroluciferia necroluciferia is offline
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I've quizzed several BBFC examiners on their sexual violence policy and I almost find it amusing how much they contradict themselves. I really despise the way they assume everyone who isn't part of the arthouse, art-gallery-going elite is incapable of choosing their own entertainment and has to have all the really 'bad' bits removed because otherwise it is going to have such a devastatingly harmful effect on their weak minds. It is all about thought control and a lot to do with the BBFC justifying their own worthless jobs. At the end of the day, it isn't the type of film the average dim-wit is going to buy without being really into the genre and knowing all about the film in the first place.
I also sometimes wonder whether as a "female" I am supposed to be grateful to the BBFC for removing images that show sexual violence towards women and therefore making the world a safer, nicer place for me to live in. I certainly am not, and find such a notion highly offensive and patronising.