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Old 26th April 2011, 07:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Victhulhu View Post
It wasn't easy to get them to look like that. They normally come with only 6 shelves, so to get 8, I had to measure everything out and drill holes in order to get them all lined up perfectly. And when that was done, they were too deep for DVD's so I had to measure and cut out bits of cardboard to fit behind the DVD's in order for everything to sit nicely like it does.
I was just about to ask you which Ikea shelf set that was as the only one I have seen (which I have) leaves quite big spaces between the shelves and if you were able to move each shelf up a bit you'd end up with at least a new row. Looks like you have the same shelf as me and I'll have aa bit of DIY myself to make the most of the space
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