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Old 16th June 2011, 10:56 AM
Legend Legend is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Northants, England

This is another film I've been meaning to see for a while now, and Arrow just made the choice to buy very easy. I think I'll wait to see if Amazon drop their price first though, from my experiences before HMV seem to charge an arm and a leg more than any other store.

As someone who only recently bought the Arrow Video collection (so far) could anyone answer a couple of questions for me? How often can I come to expect an Arrow Bluray release, with the upcoming Maniac Cop, The Funhouse, Obsession and Cat O Nine Tails it seems to be around one a month, but this month we obviously got Tenebrae as well as The Bird With the Crystal Plumage - is one to two a month a fair number? Can I expect the same from Shameless and Arrow Academy too?

Secondly, if Shameless release a bluray I assume I wont see an Arrow release any time after that. I've pre-ordered New York Ripper from the Shameless label but would much prefer a clean white Arrow Video slipcover to be totally honest. I think a slipcover always looks a loks much nicer.

Sorry for the suddeny block of text, but I figured this post is appropriate enough to ask the questions.