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Old 17th June 2011, 01:04 AM
Legend Legend is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Northants, England

I popped this in just after work the night before last. I didn't think it would have made much of a difference having a monochrome opening, but having seen it now, I think sepia would do really well to set the tone of the scene. I figured due to that I'd request a new copy, and got an email back just an hour later saying it would be in the day's post. That's pretty great customer service compared to just about every other company I've bought from. Normally Amazon are pretty good too but then you get the likes of Ebuyer who can make online shopping a horrible task.

I didn't enjoy the film as much as City of the Living Dead, perhaps a lot of it has to do with the score which wasn't as good. The picture quality was superb in most areas though, making it much easier to watch than CotLD.