Thread: Lamberto Bava
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Old 23rd June 2011, 11:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Beyond72 View Post
He seems a great guy, but I'm not a fan to be honest, while having a famous Father can be a burden, at the same it can give you opportunities you might not have otherwise. And while Peter makes a good point about Italian cinema being in decline, if Michele Soavi could do something as great as Stagefright in 87 I'm not sure that's a good enough excuse.
I agree but I have found people tend to juge him by comparing him to his father.

STAGEFIRGHT is an excellent film and there are a few other really good Italian films from around that time, but in general most of them are really poor. Filmmakers just never had the same budgets (even though many films from the 70's were also low budget they were still pretty big compared to the later films) and freedom as those in the 60's and 70's with the increasing censorship and the influence of TV. (actually I think the state of Italian horror and exploitation in the late 80's is worth a thread of it's own )

On the plus side the 80's did allow Lamberto Bava to make the awesome BLASTFIGHTER:

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