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Old 11th July 2011, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by wayfarer View Post
It's funny seeing a thread like this on a forum of this nature. Let's face it, we revere movies that most people would think are amongst the worst of all time

I'm not going to review previous posts. Clearly some of you are taking this seriously and others are just taking the pee.

I'll give a few of my hated movies, some of them fairly recent;

Automaton Transfusion - I hate zed movies like this; rubbish acting, rubbish continuity, absolutely no narrative or logic, crap SFX. A great R1 DVD cover led to a bunch of lads making a movie using their college friends as extras. So we get mobs of zombies all the same rubbish!

Children of the Living Dead - what a pile of steaming Even Flesh Eater is better than this, probably down to the nudity if nothing else.

Star Wars "prequels" - how not to make a movie. Ok, technically, the SFX are awesome, but everything else about them is poo-doo. No actual story, rubbish acting. For example; AOTC - the Jedi need to protect a senator, so they put her on a balcony style room with loads of windows, facing a city of millions of people. Good job! An assassin, paid by an assassin, that has the ability ot walk right up to the mark in the guise of a trusted servant buggers about with a tube full of dangerous critters....and so it went on. My brain bled.

Transformers 2 - Ok, I'll get flamed at least for this but I didn't mind the first. It was silly, vaccuous and the robot changes made no sense at all, but it was ok. The second was frickin terrible.

Drive Angry - the biggest sht pile that Nic Cage has been in. Even worse than Season of the Witch (this was ok but nothing special). It appeared to have been made by some metal head that slept in a speaker during a KORN gig.

Battle LA - soldiers against Chinese woks. Who thought that seeing a battle against wok wearing aliens seen from the marines point of view would be interesting? Stick on Aliens. See intelligence behind filmmaking and forget that Battle LA ever happened. A crock!

The Pirates sequels. A lesson in how to make miserably boring movies. I found myself just waiting for the quality lines delivered by the excellent Johnny Depp. They were too few and far between. I haven't seen 4, don't see the need to.

Paranormal Activity - Scary? Yes, if you've never seen a horror movie before. The only marginally interesting thing about it was the actress's distracting rack. Even when i couldn't see her, I was still thinking about it and then a cup moved across a table. Scary. Makes Poltergeist look like The Exorcist.
gotta say agree with you wholeheartedly on that list
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