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Old 24th September 2011, 04:48 PM
bizarre_eye@Cult Labs's Avatar
bizarre_eye@Cult Labs bizarre_eye@Cult Labs is offline
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Blog Entries: 3

My graphics card burnt out last weekend and I've only just received a new one and successfully installed it. This has meant I've been mostly without a computer for a week (except through work).

No computer has meant that I've been able to watch a lot more films than I usually would have:

True Grit (2010) - I wanted to see this being a fan (to some extent) of the Coen's . Didn't enjoy it much, to be honest.

The Abominable Snowman - Hugely under-rated Hammer classic starring the always brilliant Peter Cushing. The new Icon DVD is pretty decent, too.

Midnight - Great choice for a release from Arrow (I love it when companies dig up these obscure nostalgia inducing horror gems!). The print is certainly rough around the edges, but this is to be expected from a film like this. More like this please Arrow!

Pieces - One of my favourite slasher films ever. Very nice DVD from Arrow, although I would have happily had one of my arms chainsawed off for a Blu-ray version!

The Legend of Hell House - One of my favourite 'Haunted House' movies. I'd only seen this on a portable before, so watching it on a big screen with the surround sound cranked up was a real treat.

The Haunting - The second of my 'Haunted House' double-bill, I can first remember watching this when I was quite young and the trap-door bit of the spiral staircase scene making me jump. I've since watched it numerous times, and that particular scene remains one of my favourite scenes.

Giallo - I wanted to to watch this again, as I was still undecided on whether I 'liked' it or not after my initial viewing. No doubt it's extremely muddled, and with a very rushed, anti-climactic finale; I think I've mentioned this before, but ironically it doesn't play out much like a giallo either (except in the literal sense of the word ), more a dull, plodding slasher. I've seen worse, but it's certainly not Argento's finest hour - I'd say it was on par with The Card Player.

Laid to Rest - Second time I've seen this. My original opinion still stands: Really decent modern slasher film with some very well constructed visual and make-up effects, a gripping story, and an interesting killer. Still not a big fan of that ending, although less bothered now I understand that there is a sequel. Need to see that.

Hatchet for a Honeymoon - Pure brilliance. A lot of Bava fans don't seem to rate this, although it's on of my favourites.

I've also started going through the 'Gold Box' of Twin Peaks again...

It's surprising how much of your free time the internet eats up! I've also been buying less films due to the enticing lure of e-shopping being removed... I'm sure that will change now, though!
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