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Old 16th December 2008, 11:03 AM
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Originally Posted by cloud View Post
Aside from disagreeing over the actual film. I agree with everything you say there Peter. Just read IMDb and see the hate this film has evoked, I really don't understand what their problem is with MoT. I watched it last night and will write a review soon. I enjoyed every minute of it, it was 98 minutes of FUN and it had everything I wanted. I'm sure that if this was directed by someone in the mould of Bruno Mattei or Umberto Lenzi then it would be lauded as a trash classic in the making. But because it's Argento it just seems people want perfection or else it's hissy fit time.
I really hated this flick - as my comments in this thread and my full review on Lovelockandload reflects but I think you're missing the point of those that felt cheated by the film, Cloud. I think if this had been a stand alone Argento film, people would have been slightly miffed with the way it turned out but because it's the concluding chapter of arguably Argento's finest work, it really grated more.
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