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Old 29th October 2011, 12:37 AM
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Originally Posted by PaulD View Post
Any links to reviews. I'd love to read them as I too thought it was a spectacular release - the PQ was fantastic
Not reviews as such, just people on other forums rubbishing the BU releases, even the newest two Fulci offerings.

Personally, I've found all the BU releases I've picked up so far to be very satisfying and I'm more than happy with them. Even Maniac, which came under a lot of heavy fire, seems okay to me. I think it looks exactly as it should: cheap, grimy, grubby and thoroughly unpleasant.

I think far too many people miss the point of BD. Everyone expects the screen to 'pop like 3D clarity'. That's not really what BD is all about. What it does is allow the film to be presented as near to the original intent as possible. The best BDs are not the films that 'pop' but those that most accurately recreate a filmic appearance. Films that 'pop' tend to be overly processed. That's NOT what HD is all about. Clarity and detail should be improved, most certainly. I think many people expect all films on BD to look like new films. This will never be the case, as most modern films are shot in HD. So it's digital information being transferred to a digital format. That's completely different to transferring 35mm to BD. That's not saying one is better than the other, just different. A 35mm film transferred to BD can look spectacular, but in a different way to modern films. The filmmaking technology is completely different now to what it was even 10 years ago. as a consequence, modern audiences have different expectations when they buy films. They want everything to look like the latest blockbuster. Personally, I'm not a fan of the look of modern films, they look too polished and fake, like processed video games.

And, as much as we all want wonderful, crisp and detailed transfers, I think people get too lost in the technology and forget to enjoy the films themselves. They're too busy fretting over some edge enhancement or DNR. I can honestly say, even knowing what edge enhancement is, that I've never, ever noticed it. It's certainly never distracted me if it is there and didn't detract from the viewing experience. Bad transfers are obvious and most people agree when a company puts out a shoddy transfer. But all this nit picking over the minutest of details is pointless IMO. Although I'm sure those same people would argue that it's because of them putting pressure on companies that we get better transfers. Not that I'd particularly agree with that.
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