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Old 10th November 2011, 11:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs View Post
I'm another who likes no- to low-budget horror movies but Blood Feast was a weird one as, on first viewing, I thought it was so bad it was unwatchable and found it tedious. However, I decided to give it another go and loved it because of the ridiculous story, wooden acting, stupid script and outrageous gore!

Then there was onto the rest of the 'Blood Trilogy', The Wizard of Gore and the films of other inept filmmakers like Al Adamson.
I think with super low budget films you need to forget any attempt to view them as normal cinema, they tend, especially the ones from the 60s and early 70s, to have a completely different aesthetic to what was happening within mainstream cinema. To me they show a brutal drive to make money by exploitation of popular cinema and cultural fads of the time combined with a need for more, be it violence, sex, gore etc. Add to this, oddball directors inflicting there own fetishes and interests on the world, artistic touches either by chance or design and you get some of my favourite films and directors along with a lot of tedious shite.
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