Thread: Censorship
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Old 12th January 2009, 10:00 AM
vipco vipco is offline
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Not according to developer interviews in most PS3 magazines .
They claim the BBFC want them to produce a finished product for certification , which would mean recoding parts of the game, if the BBFC wanted change, resulting in many weeks/months of work, thus delaying release and losing buyer interest as the hype would be long gone by the time the approved version hits the shops.

The Games industry has its own rating system, PEGI, and has always made no secret that it wishes to remain self regulating.
PEGI has done a good enough job when Games were the domain of us Gamers, but now its a mainstream multi billion dollar business the BBFC want a slice of the action.

Most developers and the Games Industry doubt the BBFC's ability to regulate certain games were the playing experience is open and different for each player depending on what choices they make within the game.

BTW Peter, your very right on Germany. The German censor dont allow blood to be red, they prefer green(?) and games like Medal of Honour have had to have all nazi signs changed to crosses as nazi references, even in a WWII game are prohibited .
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