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Old 9th December 2011, 11:44 AM
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: Scotland

A Christmas which is received a man who I will call Bob. The problem for Bob is that the card is from a friend who died a few days ago. Bob thought this was a sick joke, but didn't let it bother him as he was a harsh and uncaring man who hated Christmas.
The next day he received another card from his mother. He never usually got a card from his mother as he was a horrible son, so he called to see why he got one this year. Bob found out that his mother had been killed that morning in a car crash.
The next day he received a card from his sister. She too had been killed. Each day he received cards from family members and friends. Until on Christmas Eve; there was no one left that he cared about.
On Christmas day when Bob was feeling at his lowest and wishing he had been kinder to his loved ones; the letter box went. There was another card. Upon opening the card Bob discovered that this card was from himself. In as state of shock, panic and a severe case of depression. Bob started to hang himself. As he was read to step off the wobbly chair. he heard voices outside his house. The people he heard opened the door an entered. As the living room door opened Bob's family appeared saying Merry Christmas. In his excitement and relief that his family was still alive, Bob reached out for them and the chair fell hanging Bob in front of his whole family.
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