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Old 17th December 2011, 11:16 PM
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Slippery Jack Slippery Jack is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: West Midlands, UK

Silent Running

Wish I could say the MOC Blu Ray was an introduction to a new film favourite, but to be honest it didn’t work for me at all. The ship design had an endearing 70s feel, but I was never blown away like I was with 2001 – too frequently it was very apparent I was looking at plastic models, whereas I totally bought into Kubrick’s world. Performance wise I though Bruce Dern was pretty one-note. There didn’t seem to be any character arc there at all, and his relationship with the drones felt very underdeveloped and unsatisfying. That was another problem I had – the design of the drones. Thought they were far too cutesy, designed to have recognisable character traits, rather than a purely functional object for Dern to project a character onto (like Tom Hanks and Wilson in Cast Away!). In the end I was left unmoved and slightly bored, which I wasn’t expecting at all. Oh yeah, and the Joan Baez songs were ****ing atrocious!
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