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Old 8th January 2012, 10:53 PM
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Frankie Teardrop Frankie Teardrop is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Leeds, UK

MISINFORMATION - Baron Mordant's excavation / interrogation of the BFI tape archive. Features public information films transformed by the addition of Mordant's own music, which in most cases replaces the original soundtracks. Some truly sublime stuff here - a featurette about town planning opens a window onto a whole other reality when spliced with coruscating Whitehouse style power electronics, conjuring a grey hell of spectral modernity. Elsewhere,in a particularly unnerving section, the removal of the voice over of an educational film about ancient druidic stones (can't remember whether it was Stonehenge or not) allows the stones themselves to seem to glow with an eerie sentience. Lots of other interesting snippets, including a fairly well known Peter Greenaway word processor commercial. I thought this was pretty amazing, at least in places. Well worth hunting down if you're into Mordant Music, the grim 70s, surreal found footage or plain weird shit. Another BFI release, STOP, LOOK, LISTEN! contains a whole host of similarly depressing-inspiring clips from the seventies and eighties, including the infamous 'Lonely Waters' and 'Apaches'.

Last edited by Frankie Teardrop; 8th January 2012 at 11:31 PM.
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