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Old 25th January 2012, 11:12 AM
kissoffboardy's Avatar
kissoffboardy kissoffboardy is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Dec 2009

I'd love to see Arrowdrome put out some of the OOP Code Red dvds, like Boarding House or Light Blast- or at least start mining similar territories.

There's no way that these films would be held up as cinematic classics by anyone, & there's certainly no need to put out Blu-ray editions or to film endless extras & 'making of' docs, but at a cheap price point, they're just the kind of thing that are great for a night in with a few mates, beer, pizza & some sarcastic humour.

The 6 quid or so online price is only the cost of a few beers in a supermarket - although with some exploitation flicks, that extra anaesthetic is vital to making it to the end!

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Teacake time!
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