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Old 27th January 2012, 12:32 PM
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PaulD PaulD is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Newcastle, UK

I Shot an Arrow in the Air

In the year 4000 the Earth has been obliterated and only a handful of survivors live in their own self-made spaceships. Marvel Jones is one of these individuals. An obsessive film fan with only his (now) antique discs and books for company he travels around the various asteroids caused by the Earth's destruction, looking for more things to add to his collection.

One day he lands onto a new asteroid with a breathable atmosphere. Upon investigating he sees a damaged sign which says "Shepperton Studios" and some sort of giant structure in the distance. Marvel walks closer to it whereupon he recognises it as the Space Jockey from Alien and Prometheus! His two favourite films!

He calls his service droid Farda from the ship who assists in retriving the statue back onboard. As he takes off the warning light on his ship comes on and the siren starts off. "WARNING! WARNING. MAXIMUM WEIGHT REACHED. START TO DEPOSIT CONTENTS OF SHIP TO PREVENT CRASHING!" Marvel struggles with to do. Get rid of the Space Jockey? Unthinkable! He goes over to his dvd collection and, with tears streaming down his face, starts to put them into the airlock. He keeps throwing them in, his pride and joy firing up out of the spaceship and into the air. "WEIGHT CONTENTS ALMOST STABLE. KEEP REDUCING LOAD" screams the siren. Marvel knows what he has to do. He picks up the heaviest thing he has left in his collection, his limited edition steelbook copy of The King of New York and throws it into the airlock.

Marvel Jones. A survivor in a post-apocalypic world. An obsessive collector of movie-memorabilia whose obsession taught him to value certain artefacts over others. A man who, in order to ensure his own survival, show an Arrow into the the Twilight Zone
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