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Old 11th February 2012, 04:27 PM
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Handyman Joe Handyman Joe is offline
Active Cultist
Join Date: Dec 2011

City of the Dead. Quality schlock this, poor old Nan Barlow ends up in the Raven Inn in her quilted dressing gown browsing a tome on devilry only to hear satanic singing coming from the basement. 'probably water in the pipes' says the hatchet faced proprietess who is only a 17th century witch called Elizabeth Selwyn. Cue Psycho rip off moment and the arrival of a pair of 'hey daddio' beat types who manage to set the satanists on fire by waving gravestones at them (!). Christopher Lee shows up as a shifty lecturer and there's fog - lots of fog. Throw in a ghostly hitchhiker (who is never explained) a haggard priest and a saintly librarian and you've got some fine time wasting potential. VCI did a great job with this DVD.
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