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Old 12th February 2012, 08:48 AM
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Handyman Joe Handyman Joe is offline
Active Cultist
Join Date: Dec 2011

We Need to Talk About Kevin - One for the 'admirable movie I never want to see again' file, alongside Wolf Creek, Martyrs and Salo. Obviously it's not the gore thats the problem here, it's the relentless bleakness of the whole film, there's not one light moment - poor Tilda Swinton makes Job look like a cosseted millionaire. As for the titular Kevin, he has all the character nuance of Michael Myers and drags the whole film into the 'evil child' horror subgenre. I loved Morven Callar and have the greatest respect for Lynne Ramsey's lack of compromise to the material but I have to say this film felt off for me and I've no plans to revisit it.
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