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Old 16th February 2012, 10:06 PM
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Frankie Teardrop Frankie Teardrop is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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Location: Leeds, UK

Originally Posted by Gojirosan View Post
Beneath Still Waters - I can imagine the artificial appearance of this film and its dream-like atmosphere alienating some viewers and making them dislike this Brian Yuzna film, but it was exactly those things that made it for me. It has a similar Lovecraftian sense of apocalyptic insanity to Carpenter's In The Mouth Of Madness, though is less polished, presumably for budgetary reasons.

It's not a superb film, but I did like it and I can see myself getting the Blu-ray of it and watching it again in HD. It also feels oddly like a companion piece to the Fantastic Factory's other water horror Dagon.

I would recommend it if you have a taste for such illogical, oneiric horror.
I'm not familiar with this one, nor do I rate Brian Yuzna all that highly, but on the basis of your description I'm thinking of giving it a go as it seems to tick a lot of my favourite boxes, particularly if it stands up well beside Dagon.
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