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Old 25th February 2012, 10:46 PM
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This is true,the Italians classify a lot more as gialli.

"For Italian audiences, the term 'giallo' is used to refer to any kind of thriller, regardless of where it was made. Thus American or British thrillers by directors such as Alfred Hitchcock (eg, Psycho, Vertigo) or Basil Dearden (eg, The Blue Lamp, Sapphire) are, for Italian-speaking audiences, examples of gialli. For English-speaking audiences, the term has over time come to refer to a very specific type of Italian-produced thriller. Italian audiences have historically referred to these films as, rather than gialli, 'thrilling all'italiana' (in other words, thrillers in an Italian style/Italian-style thrillers) or, sometimes, 'spaghetti thrillers'. So, for Italian audiences, the term 'giallo' denotes a broad genre (the thriller), and the term 'thrilling all'italiana' denotes the specific subgroup of films (a subgenre) that have come to be known by English-speaking viewers as gialli." (Wiki)
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