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Old 10th March 2012, 05:28 PM
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Frankie Teardrop Frankie Teardrop is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Leeds, UK

THE SHRINE - Pretty good supernatural horror set in rural Poland. Tense build-up leads to some nice atmospherics and a bit of gore. Has burning crucifixes and vague anxieties about women (then again, so do I).
BUNNYMAN MASSACRE - Misshapen TCM variant which is OK when it gets weird. A protracted scene with said Bunnyman and chainsaw victim put me in mind of some kind of Paul McCarthy performance out-take. The 'home movie' style projections over the credits should have been extended to feature length.
SLEEPING BEAUTY - Brilliant. A glacial exploration of alienated sex made with Hanekeeque icy elegance. Cold, clinical and creepy = must see.
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST - With gore and a rubbish CGI troll. When I wrote the last sentence I finally realised why I liked this so much. Yeah, f*ck the art-house, this is where it's at.
THE CHILDREN - The Albright 1980 effort as opposed to the one that came out a couple of years ago. From the era when you could actually take ludicrous subject matter seriously and still make a movie. A radiation cloud turns a schoolbus-full of kids into radioactive zombies with black fingernails. The kids kill their parents by hugging them! Heartbreaking! Oh well. Anti-nuke / Vietnam vibe, but portrays the parental victims as mean narcissists with counter-cultural affiliations so seems to be proposing a fairly skewed value system. Never mind, even I don't look to B-movie schlock for guidance over such issues. Like many of its 70s/80s ilk it manages to be simultaneously dull, amusing and bracingly nasty and contains some gloriously creepy moments. The knackered print Troma used for its 'lovingly remastered etc' special edition seems entirely appropriate in this case.
BREADCRUMBS - Didn't like it. Can't vouch for it.
DARD DIVORCE - Ittenbach! Very gory. Quite liked it, despite it being a load of bollocks really. Nice bit of product placement near the beginning - I'm led to believe a secret consortium of mainstream fast-food outlets is funding the German underground gore ecene.

Last edited by Frankie Teardrop; 10th March 2012 at 09:00 PM.
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