Thread: Joe D'Amato
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Old 13th April 2012, 08:12 PM
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Originally Posted by rome2033 View Post
In the trailer there are blood gushing out from the wounds, and in the film her face is skinned on the splinters but without the blood... It was quite some time since I saw it, but as I recall I couldn't see any obvious cuts and I couldn't see where the blood-frames could have fit in the scene... I got the impression that they used some alternative footage in the film.

Perhaps someone has the integral version/bootleg from Midnight Video on VHS? At least they claimed to have the most complete version.
Ok, I just had to check the Shriek Show DVD and compare the scene with the one in the trailer (can be found on youtube).

In the trailer the girl's head is pulled through the roof and she has a wound on her forehead where blood is pouring out. Her face is skinned on the splinters on roof. Quite nasty, but not very gory and it looks quite fake.

In the film (on DVD) her head is pulled through the hole in the roof. Her face is _covered_ in blood, and she has gory wound, but no skin is stuck to the splinters. This makeup is consistent with later shots of the face.

I also compared this to another copy of the film, originating from a japanese VHS(?). The scene is identical to the Shriek Show DVD.

I still believe this is just alternative footage of the same scene... They put the skinning-scene in the trailer, but later decided that they wanted more blood instead.

Btw, The SS DVD has Italian credits and the japanese has French credits.
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