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Old 11th May 2012, 06:07 PM
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Prince_Vajda Prince_Vajda is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Wolfenstein Castle

Hubert von Goisern - Brenna tuats guat (You could easily burn it)

This is an Austrian song - what you find below are the original Austrian lyrics and very rough and primitive 3-minute translations by yours truly; it's pretty hard to translate dialect into standard British or American English - but I'm pretty sure you'll get the general idea of this nice protest song.

Now get ready for yodellers and an accordion.


Wo is da platz
Where is the place
wo da teufel seine kinda kriagt
where the devil has his babies
wo is da platz
where is the place
wo all's z'samm rennt
where all come together
wo is des feuer
where is the fire
hey wo geht 'n grad a blitz nieder
hey, where’s a lightning right now
wo is de hütt'n
where’s the cottage
wo de stadl de brennt
where's the burning stable

Samma grün samma rot
Are we green, are we red
hab'n ma geld oder not
do we have money or not
samma ledig oder fit
are we free or fit
samma krank oder nit
are we ill or not
Gemma aus oder ein
are we having a night out, or are we shrinking
schenk ma obi oder nei
are we pouring out or giving away
war'n ma christ hätt ma gwisst
as a christian we would have known
wo da teufel baut in mist
where the devil uses his evil power

A jeder woass, dass es
everybody knows that
geld nit auf da wiesen wachst
money doesn’t grow on trees
und essen kann ma's a nit
and you can’t eat it
aber brenna tat's guat
but you could easily burn it
aber hoazen toan ma woazen
instead we heat with wheat
und de ruabn und den kukuruz* (mais)
and turnips and maize
wann ma lang so weiter hoazen
if we continue to heat like that
brennt da huat
our hat will burn


Wo is des geld
where’s the money
des was überall fehlt
the money, that’s missing in all places
ja hat denn koana an genierer
doesn’t anybody feel ashamed?
wieso kemman allweil de viara
why are we ruled by liars
de liagn, de die wahrheit verbieg'n
people who love to prevaricate
und wanns nit kriagn was woll'n
if they don’t get what they want,
dann wird's g'stohln,
they steal it.
de falotten soll der teufel hol'n
To hell with them crooks!

Wo is da platz
Where is the place
wo da teufel seine kinda kriagt
where the devil has his babies
wo is da platz
where is the place
wo all's z'samm rennt
where all come together
wo is des feuer
where is the fire
hey wo geht 'n grad a blitz nieder
hey, where’s a lightning right now
wo is de hütt'n
where’s the cottage
wo de stadl de brennt
where's the burning stable

A jeder woass, dass es
everybody knows that
geld nit auf da wiesen wachst
money doesn’t grow on trees
und essen kann ma's a nit
and you can’t eat it
aber brenna tat's guat
but you could easily burn it
aber hoazen toan ma woazen
instead we heat with wheat
und de ruabn und den kukuruz* (mais)
and turnips and maize
wann ma lang so weiter hoazen
if we continue to heat like that
brennt da huat
our hat will burn


A jeder woass, dass es
everybody knows that
geld nit auf da wiesen wachst
money doesn’t grow on trees
und essen kann ma's a nit
and you can’t eat it
aber brenna tat's guat
but you could easily burn it
aber hoazen toan ma woazen
instead we heat with wheat
und de ruabn und den kukuruz* (mais)
and turnips and maize
wann ma lang so weiter hoazen
if we continue to heat like that
brennt da huat
our hat will burn

A jeder woass, dass es
everybody knows that
geld nit auf da wiesen wachst
money doesn’t grow on trees
und essen kann ma's a nit
and you can’t eat it
aber brenna tat's guat
but you could easily burn it
aber hoazen toan ma woazen
instead we heat with wheat
und de ruabn und den kukuruz* (mais)
and turnips and maize
wann ma lang so weiter hoazen
if we continue to heat like that
brennt da huat
our hat will burn


A jeder woass, dass es
everybody knows that
geld nit auf da wiesen wachst
money doesn’t grow on trees
und essen kann ma's a nit
and you can’t eat it
aber brenna tat's guat
but you could easily burn it
aber hoazen toan ma woazen
instead we heat with wheat
und de ruabn und den kukuruz* (mais)
and turnips and maize
wann ma lang so weiter hoazen
if we continue to heat like that
brennt da huat
our hat will burn

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