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Old 12th May 2012, 07:15 AM
VicDakin VicDakin is offline
Cult Acolyte
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Location: bristol
Blog Entries: 2
Default Earworm

This may help young MTDS

An earworm is a piece of music that sticks in one's mind so that one seems to hear it, even when it is not being played. Other phrases used to describe this include musical imagery repetition and involuntary musical imagery. The phenomenon is common in normal life and so may be distinguished from brain damage which results in palinacousis.

This is also called a 'haunting melody' or 'hard-to-shake melody'.[citation needed] In Germany, an earworm is known as "ohrwurm", a type of song that typically has a high, upbeat melody and repetitive lyrics that verge between catchy and annoying. Earworm is also referred as ‘stuck song syndrome,‘involuntary musical imagery’ (INMIs; Liikkanen, 2008), ‘brainworms’ or ‘sticky music’

One reason that this occurs is that melodic music tends to have a rhythm which repeats. This cyclical nature may cause endless repetition unless some way to achieve a climax is found which breaks the cycle.
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