Thread: Show Us Yours!
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Old 19th May 2012, 04:16 PM
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Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs View Post
Redemption have released some great films, although many (Rollin's work in particular) are an acquired taste.

I've officially run out of space on my shelves, so have had to resort to something I promised myself I'd never do with my BDs, and that is double face.

This means that almost half of my BD collection is currently hidden behind other titles. Sacrilege, and possibly even a ban-worthy offense, but my entire Arrow BD collection is currently hidden behind my Criterion BDs!
Hey, other mods, can I be the new mod when you've stripped bizarre_eye of his title due to this heresy?

Pain and storage is such a pain though, I only have 3 Ikea Billy bookshelves (modified to fit more shelves in) and already have little space. I don't have any more space in the room for any more shelves!
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