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Old 19th May 2012, 10:35 PM
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PaulD PaulD is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Newcastle, UK

I really wanted to record something but didn't have the time. Instead,d here's my ode to Jason Voorhees, sung to the tune of Queen's Killer Queen:

He keeps his mothers severed head
In the fridge next to the eggs
'By Camp Crystal Lake' he says
where he went swimming for a bet
A dead-teen killing spree
Kills anyone that he sees
His machete makes lacerations
You can't decline

Hates pre-marital sex
Thinks it's just bad etiquette
And so he'll give you a slice!

He's a killer, hee-ee
walks round with a machete
Has issues with his mummy
Guaranteed to blow your mind
And you'll die

Recommend for slice and dice
He'll always put up quite a fight
Wanna try?

To avoid complications
The 13th Friday's aren't the best
His hockey mask is ancient
He'll turn you to a bloody mess
If you're a male minor
You won't be a survivor
A final girl incidentally
Will be the one to survive

He's a killer, hee-ee
walks round with a machete
Remember when he fought Freddy?
It really wasn't very good
As it could!

His hockey mask, he's a killer
He'll make your body go splat!
Your organs will face extraction
Permanently out of life
To absolutely make you dieee, dieeeee!
He's all out to get you

He's a killer, hee-ee
walks round with a machete
Was mentioned in the first scene of Scream
Guaranteed to blow your mind
And you'll die

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