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Old 27th May 2012, 04:06 PM
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Gojirosan Gojirosan is offline
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Location: Liverpool, UK

I Am Sartana, Your Angel Of Death/Sartana The Gravedigger

This is the second official Sartana film and the first directed by my man, Giuliano Carnimeo. Excellent SW from 1970, well up to the quality of the first Sartana flick, in fact, possibly better made technically. There is some wonderful camerawork (jerking and tilting the camera as characters are hit by bullets is very effective and impressive, for example). This film crams SO MUCH into its running time, and manages almost non-stop action AND a sense of atmosphere. Excellent stuff.

The version in the Sartana boxset is a pretty good amateur restoration. There is a non-anamorphic version in the correct ratio from a decent, German source and the dialogue scenes are cross-faded in from a VHS source. So the soundtrack is a mixed bag.

As ever, Gianni Garko is charismatic and excellent as Sartana, and Klaus Kinski's character is a riot and deserving of his own film.
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