Thread: Show Us Yours!
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Old 1st June 2012, 12:56 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Originally Posted by Hawkmonger View Post
Happy Birthday Fuzzy! Cracking Haul. Negima? Would you recomend it?
Imagine magical girl shows, aimed at men with cool magic fights, manliness, fan service, humour and sexual jokes by the truckload, then you'll like it.

Its really an odd job, typical Akamatsu, but i enjoy it a lot! As you can tell by the 30 something volumes...

Edit: Forgot to mention the plot! 10 year old British wizard sent to Japan to teach a class of 30 girls for his training. Retarded story at first, but seriously develops later.
This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.

Fuzzy's Sale/Trade Thread! - Blu, DVD, Boxsets (TV/Movie), Anime, Manga
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