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Old 13th April 2008, 09:55 AM
vipco vipco is offline
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While I dislike animal cruelty too Steve, I don't see why scenes of cock fighting, bull fighting etc should be cut as in some countries they're sports. We don't censor scenes of pheasant being shot so what makes these 'blood sports' different than any other.

I agree with what Angel mentioned earlier about horse falls . I remember a pre cert euro western were the cruelty to the horses was disgusting. Really vicous tear marks from spurs and one horse was knocked to the ground and stabbed with a spear by someone , and it was no FX job. Its good to see this treatment of horses being reconised for the cruelty it is.

I don't see most of the animal scenes in the cannibal films as cruel, as the animals were butchered in a humane way by someone who knew what they were doing, and not tortured. plus all the animals were eaten by the Indios, so whats the BBFC's problem. They can show civilised gentry blast birds but not indigenous tree people hunt local food. Deodato claims only 1 monkey was killed on his direction as the scene didn't turn out how he wanted so he asked the Indios to catch another monkey.
If an animal is killed humanely and not tortured then why does the BBFC get so hot and bothered.
They allowed slaughterhouse footage in LHODES and Cannibal Man so why not the way the jungle dwellers slautgher their food. I found the scene of the cow in Dead End Street more cruel than anything in Ferox.

Do the BBFC really believe that wildlife film makers just 'happen' to be there when a lion kills.
Im not saying that techniques used in MONDO movies are still used today but there is bound to be some kind of 'help' to make sure they get the money shot, and the BBFC know it.

Last edited by vipco; 13th April 2008 at 10:11 AM.
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