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Old 4th August 2012, 12:29 PM
James Morton James Morton is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Essex, used to live in Salford

THIS FILM IS NOT YET RATED - Kriby Dick's brilliant documentary on the secretive MPAA
They are liars, full of excuses, right wing, and break the law in copying the submitted film without the film makers consent
Yet these people are dictating to everyone if you copy etc a film you will get prison and a fine
Everything is about money just to get a rating, which isn't suprising to the Yanks
Jack Valenti who came up with the so called 'morals' of telling you what you can't see
I saw this film before and the MPAAA are homophobic amongst other things and don't like showing nudity/sex esp gay but violence is okay
Yet there are films made years ago which have strong sex scenes and were uncut
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