Thread: chrissie lathem
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Old 31st August 2012, 12:44 PM
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jamie_leigh44 jamie_leigh44 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland

I'd like to think there was a happy ending for Chrissie, but there was still so much they could have done with the character, and so much trouble she could have been part of i guess its no use in complaining now that the shows over, but they missed a few good tricks by not having reappearances from several good characters like Chrissie and Vera.

I would have loved to see, even a cameo of Bea turning up at barnhurst and vera standing there with that infamous smirk on her face, knowing that now Vera was in control of a prisoner she always wanted to be... i'm just sadistic like that afterall, we got to see bea there before for a couple episodes.

in fact at one point in the show there were more interesting characters at barnhurst than there were in wentworth, a spin off could have been great, with crossovers.

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