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Old 31st August 2012, 06:45 PM
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Frankie Teardrop Frankie Teardrop is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Leeds, UK

Originally Posted by Demdike View Post
Unhinged (1982)

I'm sure when the DPP added this to their infamous list they did so without actually viewing the movie. It is of course a very slow moving affair with only a miniscule amount of blood and guts, most of the running time is taken up with conversation. The final kill following the surprising twist finale is done off screen with only blood splatter actually shown and none of the other kills would frighten Gianetto Di Rossi in the slightest.

The film is really a little gothic pot boiler rather than a gore classic and fits in with films like Girly rather than the more famous titles of the early eighties, seen in that light, it isn't a bad little film and worth a watch. Just don't expect too much.

Graduation Day (1981)

A fun slasher film that unfortunately doesn't really have a lot of slash. A couple of kills aside it isn't very bloody but remains fairly interesting.

The plot is nicely paced and characters reasonably brought to life. Killing off the main star in Christopher George, with twenty minutes remaining was a nice touch.
I really quite like 'Unhinged'. Don't you think there's something quite weird about the atmosphere in places?
I can't explain why at all, but it made me think of 'House of the Devil' at points. A totally different film... but one with an odd sense of 'presence' about it.
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