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Old 14th October 2012, 11:09 AM
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jamie_leigh44 jamie_leigh44 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland

i agree to some extent Lostus - I think the villain in Joans character HAD to be diluted, otherwise she would have been like Jock or Len and had a limited run....

whereas Vera whose character was shown to have flaws and a heart lasted a long time. I also might point out that while Joan didn't kill anyone (except for that one man she shot in self defense) Vera killed Anne Yates very early on. and while she probably wouldn't have gone to jail for this... manslaughter or maybe accidental death... she certainly kept her mouth closed and it didn't seem to affect her at all after those couple of episodes (and Yates was a friend of sorts to Vera) - I'm only at episode 480 so if Joanie does begin killing people off - don't tell me... i like a surprise here and there!

She could be brutal sure enough (especially when Latham made her lose her temper), and cruel. but Vera was also very cruel. its my opinion that the women took it upon themselves to get in Joans way, if they had just let her be, there would have been less trouble. and I'll just rant for a couple minutes about MEG JACKSON MORRIS - she acted like a complete bully to Joan. sly looks and devious situations and bitchy comments, no wonder the woman couldn't stand her... all the while dancing about in a mullet and slapping Reb Keane (I'm aware she was under hypnosis, but still, she was a bitch) at least Joyce tried to be nice... MEG was just a playground thug.

oh well, i think (where i am now) the villain within Joan is about the right balance. she's not too bad not too good and i especially liked her doggies (not what happened to them tho... the saddest moments of the show) and i look forward to seeing a lot more of her...

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