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Old 15th October 2012, 09:07 PM
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Frankie Teardrop Frankie Teardrop is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Leeds, UK

DON'T GO IN THE HOUSE - A somber and sleazy fave from the late seventies, this one's sordid glow remains undiminished with time. Not that it's very explicit - it derives its power from its unrelenting gloom, which is offset slightly by the disco era fashion and some wooden performances (not Dan Grimaldi though, he's very convincing as the tortured flame throwing psycho householder with a babe in chains in a steel room). There were also aspects of the narrative arc which just left me thinking 'yeah right', but then how often does that happen with exploitation potboilers such as this? - I get like that when a film casts a spell then breaks it slightly. But anyway, great to see this one again, it's obviously very well known so I'll say little more except to note that I'm always left intrigued by the weird supernatural angle it seems to potentially suggest at points throughout.
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