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Old 15th October 2012, 09:11 PM
ScottishMermaid ScottishMermaid is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK.

Deffo agree that the later episodes are highly underrated! The Barnhurst five era was quite bad...but I am not sure if that is just because I saw so much potential for it that they completely missed the opportunity for!

It's odd that the majority of my favourite characters are from the earlier half yet I think I still prefer the later episodes overall....mainly because I believe with the exit of the bigger characters, it allowed for new ones to develop...Lou Kelly was amazing as far as I am concerned, and I loved both Alice and Rita was very refreshing to have a change of dynamics. I didn't like Nora Flynn as TD...however, again it was nice to have a brief change of dynamics and I also do not believe her to have been half as bad as many people make out. She had a different way of doing things...good...just wasn't quite so good for TV. haha.

Georgie Baxter...UGH....I am just about to endure her at this very Andrews has arrived and Doreen is flirting with him...yuk! LOL! HATE Georgie....

And Meg...agree 100% on that one, lol. Although in my experience, I think she is one of the most hated as opposed to everyone seeming to love her, hahahaha. Anyone who goes through all that and comes back for more...I think Dr Wiseman should have sent her off to Ingleside!!

Lexie Patterson....CANNOT STAND IT! Although I did love Jessie, she was so sweet! She should have made my favourites list, lol.
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