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Old 16th October 2012, 12:23 PM
lostus lostus is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2012

Well, Marty the first was a ratbag teenager. Marty part deux was a rebellious horny 20 something (Did anyone notice when Marty one took off, mamma Meg was distraught for about five minutes? and he was`nt really thoughtabout much till Marty 2 returned years later) Anyhoo for those who are DYING to know...Marty III makes Meg look like Vera. He is worse than Meg. See I got used to Meg, Marty has just popped up and played Mr nice guy overkill and it inspires me to FFwd. This ties in with Merle who arrived around the same time. Merle is like a slow version of Cass. How`s that for a definition? But she is a bit more fuller figured and has a `boy-cut` hairstyle, loves comic books, tries to talk like a 5 year old boy and, like Cass, cripples people when she loses her temper.

Dennis Crukshank, Not a big fan either. The "Ohh eye, that put a right spanner in the puddin`" carry on got old straight away. Fortunately Dennis and Meg find love and Dennis, though he does leave, does a have an ending that befits the pain he put me through when ever he opened his mouth (Keep this thought in mind when you see the episode) Victoria Nichols was the first co host on Sale of the century here, before Prisoner so I never got past her presenting prizes in the showcase.

Being a `Freak` forum can someone tell me if Joan ever openly said she was gay, liked the girls or anything like that? It was always insulated verbally but never really confirmed, even when she was shacking up with re-incarnated Sharon Gilmour they never said `we are doing it and respecting each other in the morning` The prisoners gave them heaps and said it straight out, but did Joan ever admit it anytime?
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