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Old 16th October 2012, 01:15 PM
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jamie_leigh44 jamie_leigh44 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland

Meg didn't give a when Marty the first left! well, she just lost her husband so i guess she thought how lucky it was that she had a clean break. - she didn't even mourn Bill for very long either. it just gave her an excuse to use her deep manly husky voice for the first time. he wasn't mentioned til he popped back.... and all the while she was saying to Greg that she was old enough to be his mother. Greg was a good looking guy, why would he ever go for Meg!

Merle sounds like a delightful load of laughs.... and Dennis - maybe a male version of Meg wont be so bad... i think she annoys me most because she has to be involved in every storyline... with it being close to the end, im sure he wont be in that many.... i hope

Dennis and MEG find love??? is she at it again? I'm told she goes for a social worker this time... they'll have lots in common then... - I'll keep it firmly in mind..., he's another one who's quite cheeky to our Joan and i don't much like it! Joyce is about the only one who makes any effort with her...

I remember after she beat up Chrissie, the detective said "suspected lesbianism" to her like it was on a list of charges, and she didn't respond. and even the first day on Meg was making fun of her being butch and Erica said they couldn't pass judgement. she spoke a bit about her girlfriend and i think she mentions her "alternate lifestyle" when talking to her father etc.

Judy just finished telling Myra "I'm not a sex maniac I'm a lesbian, there is a difference you know" - so we all know she confirms herself... not sure if she ever comes out with it in such blatant words...

and I've seen Terri and Joan clips on you-tube... she is literally a reincarnation of Gilmore isn't she!!

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