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Old 26th October 2012, 12:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Frankie Teardrop View Post
BODY SNATCHERS - Abel Ferrara is a genius and the best of his films bear witness to an unbelievably intense personal vision. This isn't one of his best films, but it's still good, I still lked it. I noticed that the script was written by Larry Cohen and Stuart Gordon... it's a mid range budget studio B movie, which could've been something of a Trojan horse for Ferrara had it been successful. The usual Ferrara themes ie the impossibility / agonising possibility of redemption in a world of shit aren't really present, but a few of the scenes feature a certain ickiness which a more mainstream director would've balked at, not to mention a certain style. Not up there with Ms.45 etc, and not a patch on Philip Kaufman's 1978 version, but still worth checking out.
I genuinely prefer Ferrara's version. I don't find Kaufman's to be as good as most seem to. It's the least of the three for me. I've never bothered owning it.

I think there may have been a fourth version. Let's pretend there wasn't.
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