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Old 5th November 2012, 07:36 PM
lostus lostus is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2012

Talk about VERY wishful thinking, on so many levels. Haha. I never liked Marie Winter, Margo I liked, As you probably remember she was on team Bea when she first arrived, but after her man got a severe case acupuncture via a police bullet, she turned bitter but she was a very blurry line as sometimes she was ok with the three stooges, while at the same time antagonizing them. I think she is due back soon on pay tv, Hooked on heroin or something...

Now I have always had an idea to write fan fiction on what happens to certain characters in the months and years following the last ep or their last eps. One that always goes through my head is the faked death of Bea at the Barnhurst fire. It goes something like this, Although it would have to be very intricate in detail.

Something like - Bea gets something on Vera, something HUGE that could see her in jail for a long time, although, as usual it`s because of one of Vera`s poor decisions or accidents (Like when she accidentally killed Anne Yates) So this time there is nothing Vera can do to curb Bea`s power, even if Bea died she would still have given the proof to someone on the outside before hand. So Bea says she wants out some way, but Vera is fighting it as it would look bad on her record. So it`s a bit of back and forth for a while. Then due to circumstance, Bea becomes aware of a riot that`s brewing that even she as top dog, cant stop from happening. So she tells Vera that that the is a riot due and neither of them can stop it, Bea cant stop it and Vera cant because Bea has told her that if the riot doesn't go ahead she will bust Vera, Vera has to pretend she doesn`t know it`s going to happen. Because that`s when Bea will escape. So moving on to the riot, Bea is trying to stop as much damage as possible to her friends while doing the plan she has with Vera. At one point one of the background characters is killed before Bea can save her. After a while Bea does get out of Barnhurst and makes her getaway. In hiding for a few days afterwards, she expects to hear there is a manhunt for her, but is surprised to hear she is one of the bodies identified in the aftermath. (Remember this ties in with the confusion when we first heard she died, first they said she `died trying to stop the riot` , like being burnt to death,Then they said smoke inhalation or something like that) And the police were on a manhunt for the same prisoner Bea saw killed in front of her. We find out Vera identified Bea as the body (This was before DNA testing remember) and the police were convinced. Later on Vera gets half the evidence Bea had against her, but kept enough to make sure Vera would never blab. Forwarding a few years Bea has a new identity and is totally free, She learns that Lizzie is on her death bed and decides to see her, while there she is surprised to see Vera leaving. When Bea goes in Lizzie is crying in joy after hearing of Bea`s death and then seeing she was still alive. But Lizzie was crying before Bea walked in. She tells Bea that Vera knew Lizzie was on her way out and because Vera was always secretly fond of Lizzie, told her Bea was still alive, so she could die happy. Bea then makes the decision to give the rest of the stuff to Vera that could incriminate her, knowing if she dobs in Bea now, then she knowingly assisted in Bea`s escape by lying to the police. Vera gets the rest of the stuff and there is a note with it that reads `Vera, If you tell the cops then we both know we will be sharing a cell.Nothing changes. Now you are free` Vera knows this and that`s where it ends.

They would only be short stories, like 100 page paperbacks. I thought of other stories, like Joan being released and way down the track she comes across Shane as an adult, and Lorelei also. Pixie after she is released from Ingleside, Judy after she stops touring with her gal pal singing that horrible `Pixie`s song` and has one more run in with Jock. Stuff like that. Trouble is I dont have the patients to write a book, so I guess it stays in my head.

I know I go on about this, but watching these later episodes til the end will make the final episodes a lot better. When I watched the last 2 eps ten years ago I found the story really well crafted, Like they made you think Anne wanted to see someone in her office for one reason but you did`nt realize the truth, really until you watched them again and thought `Ah they were really doing that or this` But as much as I liked them, i Thought `No wonder this show got canned, the characters a crap and dull` But now I am in the know with them it great. Actually when I watched the last episodes I was at a loss as to how Lurch was a main character as well as Joyce. That`s how far back my highest episode was, something like 540 or there about, Myra was still around anyway. But I did like the metamorphosis of Alice. She was a real likeable character, That made you almost glad she saw the light. Although playing the resident horn bag put a funny spin on her.

As for the black hole, I like many would have loved Cynthia Leech to have been in Blackmoor. Actually, Imagine if Cynthia pulled the trigger just before the riot? And the best bit is we still never saw her face? Then the freak could tease Rita how her friend took care of Bongo, just to add a spin. No Marie Winter or Margo either... Ah well.

It`s make believe...It`s not real...

I`m trying, really I am.
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